
Research profile

The Chair of Business Taxation and Auditing at the European University Viadrina, headed by Prof Dr Stephan Kudert, concentrates its research mainly on business management issues relating to international tax law with a focus on Central and Eastern European countries.

Übungsbuch Rechnungswesen – leicht gemacht

Learning objectives, exercises, solutions

Kudert, Stephan / Sorg, Peter

2024, 5th edition


Accounting – made easy

Accounting and balance sheet for students at universities, colleges and vocational academies

Kudert, Stephan / Sorg, Peter

2024, 9th edition


International tax law – made easy

An introduction for studies and professional practice

Kudert, Stephan

2024, 4th ed.


Tax law – made easy

An introduction for study and practice

Kudert, Stephan

2023, 7th ed.


Tax balance sheet – made easy

An introduction for students at universities, colleges and vocational academies

Kudert, Stephan / Sorg, Peter

2022, 5th completely revised edition


IFRS – made easy

An introduction to the International Financial Reporting Standards

Kudert, Stephan / Sorg, Peter / Höppner, Dino / Leitsch, Sebastian

2022, 5th edition


Investment calculation – made easy

An introduction for students at universities, colleges and vocational academies

Kudert, Stephan / Kudert, Kevin M.



Cost and activity accounting – made easy

An introduction for students at universities, colleges and vocational academies

Kudert, Stephan / Sorg, Peter

2019, 2nd edition


Optymalizacja opodatkowania dochodow przedsiebiorcow

Kudert, Stephan / Jamrozy, Marcin

2013, 2nd ed.


Investing in Poland

Tax and legal framework conditions for German companies  - with tips on structuring

Kudert, Stephan (ed.)

2007, 3rd edition


Economic Location Ukraine

Kudert, Stephan (ed.)



Technical dictionary for tax consultancy

German – Polish

Kudert, Stephan

2006, 3rd edition


Leksykon terminologii fachowej doradztwa podatkowego

polsko - niemiecki

Kudert, Stephan

2006, 3rd ed.


Balance sheet law made easy

An introduction not only for students at universities, colleges and vocational academies

Kudert, Stephan / Sorg, Peter



Doradztwo podatkowe

Ekonomiczne podstawy zarządzania kancelarią doradcy podatkowego

DATEV eG / Forum Doradców Podatkowych,

Kudert, Stephan



Opodatkowanie i rachunkowość w Polsce

Elementy porównawcze z prawem niemieckim i standardami międzynarodowymi

Kudert, Stephan / Nabiałek, Pawel (ed.):



Tax Consultancy

Business fundamentals of the management of tax consultancy firms

Kudert, Stephan


Chair contact

Professor of Business Taxation and Accounting

Office hours

Mon - Wed: 8:00 to 11:30 and 12:00 to 13:00 and by appointment.