Study and examination matters

Course offers

Information on the courses offered by the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics, the neighbouring faculties and other institutions of the European University Viadrina can be found here.


The examinations of the first date usually take place directly after the respective block in the following week. The examinations of the second date (retake) for the courses of the first and second block usually take place in the last two weeks of the semester. (in the winter semester the last two weeks in March; in the summer semester the last two weeks in September)

Winter semester 2024/2025

  • 1st block: 02.12.2024 - 06.12.2024
  • 2nd block: 10.02.2025 - 14.02.2025
  • Retake: 17.03.2025 - 28.03.2025

Summer semester 2025

  • 1st block: 26.05.2025 - 30.05.2025
  • 2nd block: 21.07.2025 - 25.07.2025
  • Retake: 15.09.2025 - 26.09.2025

Winter semester 2025/2026

  • 1st block: 01.12.2025 - 05.12.2025
  • 2nd block: 09.02.2026 - 13.02.2026
  • Retake: 16.03.2026 - 27.03.2026

Summer semester 2026

  • 1st block: 01.06.2026 - 05.06.2026
  • 2nd block: 27.07.2026 - 31.07.2026
  • Retake: 14.09.2026 - 25.09.2026

General information

All students must register for the examinations in which they wish to take part by the deadline! If you do not register, you will not be able to take the exam! There are no exceptions to this rule!

Please note that you are responsible for appearing on time for the specified examination dates.

For all participants in examinations at the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics, participation in the examination is only possible if in addition to the student ID you can identify yourself with your identity card (or passport). Therefore, in addition to your student ID card, please also bring your identity card or passport to the examination.

Students on maternity leave: Students who wish to take examinations during the periods of maternity leave in accordance with the Maternity Protection Act must expressly declare their willingness to take examinations separately in writing to the examination board in addition to the regular registration for an examination, e.g. viaCampus. Registration for an examination during the periods of protection under the Maternity Protection Act can be cancelled at any time before the examination begins. Examination withdrawal requires the submission of a medical certificate confirming the start of maternity leave.

Examination dates

Winter semester 2024/2025 (version from 13.03.2025)

Deadlines for registering/deregistering for examinations

  • 1st block: 24.11.2024, 11:59 p.m.
  • 2nd block: 02.02.2025, 11:59 p.m.
  • Retake: 09.03.2025, 11:59 p.m.

Different deadlines may apply for some examinations (see examination dates).

General principles

All students must register in good time for the examinations in which they wish to take part! If you do not register, you will not be able to take part in the exam! There are no exceptions to this rule!

In the case of a leave of absence, you do not have authorisation to take examinations at the European University Viadrina.

There is a deadline for all examinations of an examination period (end of 1st block, end of 2nd block, retake dates) by which you must register or deregister for the examinations of the corresponding examination period.

Registration for Examinations

Examination registrations are possible within the announced exclusion periods (see examination dates and deadlines) via viaCampus. For a fee of five euros per examination, you can also register at the Examinations Office within the deadlines.

After the registration deadline, registration is no longer possible. There are no exceptions to this rule! If you have any problems registering for exams, please always contact the Examinations Office.

Students who wish to take examinations during the protection periods provided by the Maternity Protection Act must declare their willingness to take examinations separately in writing to the Examinations Board in addition to the regular registration for an examination, e.g. viaCampus. Registration for an examination during the periods of protection under the Maternity Protection Act can be cancelled at any time before the start of the examination. Withdrawal from the examination requires the submission of a medical certificate confirming the start of maternity leave.

Deregistration for Examinations

Withdrawal from the examination is possible within the announced exclusion periods (see Examination dates and deadlines). Withdrawal is free of charge if it is made via viaCampus. For a fee of five euros per examination, you can also withdraw from the examination office within the deadlines. If you have any problems with cancelling your registration, please always contact the Examinations Office.

After the cancellation deadline, withdrawal from the examination is only possible in the case of illness. Students are obliged immediately after not attending an examination due to illness to provide evidence of their inability to take the examination by submitting a medical certificate to the Examination Board. Otherwise, the missed examination will be deemed a failed attempt. Please note that the certificate must attest to your inability to take the examination!

General principle

Students have the obligation immediately after non-participation in an examination due to illness to provide postal or personal evidence of their inability to take the examination by submitting a certificate to the relevant Examination Board (not the Examinations Office). Otherwise, the failed examination is deemed to be a failed attempt.

Procedure for students at the Faculty of Business Adminstration and Economics

The application for recognition of withdrawal from an examination must be made in writing using the form provided. Incomplete and incompletely completed applications will not be processed!

Please note that the application must be accompanied by a corresponding certificate of ineligibility! You can find information on proof of ineligibility in the following section.

Note: Students of the Faculty of Law and the Faculty of Social and Cultural Studies should enquire with the relevant Examination Board regarding the procedure for withdrawing from the examination.

Proof of inability to take the examination

The student must obtain information as defined in point 3 from the doctor consulted as part of the obligation to cooperate. Without this information, an application for withdrawal from the examination will not be accepted for decision.

  1. Students are fundamentally obliged to disclose their complaints and, if necessary, to release the doctor treating them from their medical confidentiality obligation in order to determine their inability to take the examination.
  2. The diagnosis does not have to be disclosed.
  3. The physical or psychological effects caused by the illness must be stated. A general attestation of incapacity for examination and/or incapacity for work is insufficient. (Note: Fluctuations in daily form, exam anxiety, exam stress or similar do not constitute a significant impairment of performance in terms of incapacity to take exams.)

You can use the sample form to certify your inability to take the examination. The certificate can also be issued informally as long as it contains the following points

  • Name
  • Symptoms of the illness / type of reduced performance
  • Duration of the illness

Foreign-language certificates require an official translation.

If the Examination Committee has doubts about the certificate, the Examination Committee may request the submission of an official medical certificate (sample form). Information on the official medical examination in Frankfurt (Oder) can be found on the website of the Amts- und Vertrauensärztlichen Dienstes der Stadt Frankfurt (Oder). Information on the official medical examination in Berlin can be found on the website of the Landesamt für Gesundheit und Soziales (LaGeSo).

If the student misses an examination, e.g. due to the illness of the child and if childcare is therefore necessary, this must also be documented. In this case, the Examination Committee generally considers proof to be provided if the child's illness is documented by means of a sickness certificate. If necessary, the applicant must prove that they have made every effort to find alternative care but have been unsuccessful.

In accordance with the resolutions of the Faculty Board of 02.12.2009 and 27.04.2022 as well as the resolutions of the Examination Boards of 14.10.2015 and 26.04.2022, examinations of the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics of the European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder) may be written at partner universities of the European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder) in justified individual cases, provided that equal examination conditions are guaranteed and the examiner agrees.

The prerequisite is a timely application to the respective examiner with a valid reason by at the latest four weeks before the examination date. The following requirements must also be met:

  1. You must be verifiably studying at a partner university during the examination date. The partner university itself must declare its willingness to ensure that the examination(s) are conducted properly.
  2. You had or have no possibility to write the examination before or after your stay abroad at the European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder). In particular, it is not possible to write an examination of the second examination period (retake) abroad if you were not registered for the first examination date, although you would have had the opportunity to write the examination at the European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder). Please note that during a leave of absence you are not entitled to take examinations at the European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder).
  3. The examination must be taken abroad at the same time as the examination at the European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder). NOTE: It may not be possible to take the examination due to a time difference. This is the case, for example, if the exam at the European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder) starts at 8:30 a.m., which would correspond to 2:30 a.m. local time in Colombia.
  4. The examination registration must be made via viaCampus within the announced exclusion deadlines (see examination dates and deadlines).
    Withdrawal from the examination is possible within the announced exclusion deadlines (see examination dates and deadlines). After the deadline, withdrawal from the examination is only possible in the event of illness. Students are obliged to provide evidence of their inability to take an examination by submitting a medical certificate to the Examinations Board immediately after failing to take an examination due to illness. Otherwise, the missed examination is considered a failed attempt.

Once your application has been approved by the examiner, it is your responsibility to find an invigilator for the exam at the partner university. At most partner universities, you can contact the International Office of the partner university. You should send the name and email address of the invigilator to your examiner.

Guidelines for Dealing with Academic Dishonesty at the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics of the European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder)

How is academic dishonesty defined?

Academic dishonesty occurs when a student completes or attempts to complete an examination by - intentionally or unintentionally - violating the terms and conditions that s/he is expected and appointed to follow.

Examples of academic dishonesty are:

  • having unauthorized items (e.g., cheat sheets, mobile phones esp. smartphones, smartwatches) within reach during an examination,
  • cooperating or exchanging information/answers with another student or a third party on an exam, a project, paper, thesis or class assignment intended to be individually completed,
  • violating the instructions provided during an examination (e.g., time limits),
  • appealing to professors, instructors or exam proctors with the intention of providing unfair ad-vantage to a student,
  • dual submission or resubmission of a paper, project, thesis or class assignment subject to grading and without indication,
  • fabrication or falsification of sources, data or results,
  • taking part in examinations with prior knowledge of their content without indication, and
  • plagiarism.

How is plagiarism defined?

Plagiarism occurs when a student obtains portions or elements of someone else's work, including information, texts, figures, tables etc., and presents them as his/her own work without correctly referring to the original source(s). It includes but is not limited to reusing his/her own priorly submitted work without referring to the original context of use. In other words, it is the incorrect use/indication of sources.

Examples of plagiarism are, if not identified:

  • copying and pasting a text from an online or offline source (e.g., an encyclopedia, website etc.), without correctly referring to the original source(s),
  • simple modification of a text from an online or offline source (e.g., replacing a few words or portions etc.), without correctly referring to the original source(s),
  • using pictures, videos, or records without referring to the original source,
  • using another student's work for his/her own work with or without permission,
  • translations without indicating the source,
  • dual submission or resubmission of own work without permission of both instructors to whom the work has been and is intended to be submitted to (self-plagiarism), and
  • submission of group work as his/her individual work for work intended to be individually completed (considered as plagiarism for all parties involved).

What are the consequences of academic dishonesty?

See § 21 of the ASPO of the European University Viadrina (Note: this is not a certified translation):

If a student attempts to manipulate the result of an examination by academic dishonesty - in-cluding but not limited to cheating, plagiarism, having unauthorized items within reach, unau-thorized group work, violation of examination instructions, appealing to faculty or staff to gain unfair advantage for an examination - then s/he will fail the examination (his/her exam will be evaluated with the grade "5,0" or "0 points").

In severe cases, the responsible examination board can prohibit the students from taking part in further examinations of the degree program, resulting in the students' failure to complete their bachelor's or master's degree.

Intentional plagiarism is generally regarded as a severe case. In this case, the student is aware of the fact that s/he is using somebody else's work as his/her own and s/he is doing it on purpose. In contrast, unintentional plagiarism is oftentimes caused by carelessness, e.g. by incorrect indication of sources. Another example of a severe case is the repetition of a cheating attempt.

For more information please consult Statutes Regarding the Prevention of Scientific Misconduct and the Process in Case of Suspicion of Scientific Misconduct (Satzung zur Vermeidung wissenschaftlichen Fehlverhaltens und zum Verfahren bei Verdacht auf wissenschaftliches Fehlverhalten), announced of November 3, 2021 (the statutes are available in German).

Passing and failing examinations

A passed examination may not be repeated. An examination is deemed to have been passed if it is assessed as at least "sufficient" (4.0) or "passed". An examination assessed by coursework is deemed to have been "passed" if the coursework has been completed.

An examination is also deemed to have been failed if the candidate is absent from the examination without excuse. If a candidate withdraws for valid reasons, in particular due to inability to take the examination, there is no failed attempt.

Retaking of examinations

Examinations that have not been passed or are deemed to have been failed may - with the exception of the final thesis - be repeated a maximum of two times. The final thesis may only be repeated once if it is not passed. If a performance in a compulsory module is assessed as insufficient three times (grade greater than 4.0), the Bachelor's or Master's examination is definitively failed.

Students who have to take an examination, the passing of which is a prerequisite for continuing their studies (last opportunity to resit), are strongly recommended to seek counselling with the lecturer responsible for the module or the examiner before taking the examination.

Finally failed

If you have "finally failed" your Bachelor or Master examination, this means that you have generally lost your right to take examinations in all Business Administration and/or Economics degree programmes at all universities within the scope of the Higher Education Framework Act.

However, it is still possible to study Buisness Administration and/or Economics at other educational institutions (e.g. universities of applied sciences). However, it is always the respective institution that ultimately decides on your admission.

Final thesis

If you want to write a final thesis at the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics, you must apply for supervision in step 1 centrally and on time.

If you want to write your final thesis in the summer or winter semester, you must submit your application by 15 March or 15 September. No more applications can be submitted after these deadlines. Applications can only be submitted again for the following semester.

Please note that the individual professorships may also have further requirements for a confirmation of supervision. You can only be supervised at these chairs if you fulfil these requirements. Therefore, please inform yourself in good time on the websites of the individual professorships.

By submitting your application, you declare that you fulfil the requirements for admission to the final thesis in the relevant semester or that you will fulfil these requirements at the latest when you apply separately for admission to the final thesis at the Examinations Office (see Step 2 below).

How to submit your application:

Note: Please use primarily a PC or laptop to submit your application. Mobile devices (smartphones, tablets, etc.) may cause problems when submitting the application.

The application for supervision of the final thesis must be submitted using the form provided for this purpose. To do this, you must log in with the access data of your student account (euv12345) under the following link:

Application for supervision of the final thesis

Please note that the processing of the login data takes some time and the form will only open after a delay!

Please note that all fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory fields that must be completed or selected. Otherwise the application cannot be sent.

  • Field no. 1: Enter your matriculation number here.


  • Field no. 2: Select here whether you would like to apply for supervision of your Bachelor's or Master's thesis.


  • Field no. 3: Select your degree programme here.
  • Field no. 3.1 (Master's only): Master IBA students indicate here whether you are aiming for an interdisciplinary degree or a specialisation in FACT, FINE, DSDS or M&M.
  • Field no. 4: Bachelor's students enter the average of your grades in the basic training, rounded to the first decimal place. Master's students enter the average grade of the Master's courses taken at the Viadrina, rounded to the first decimal place. (Note: The field changes the text according to the selection whether the supervision of a dissertation or a masters thesis is requested.)
  • Field no. 5: Extract with your study and examination achievements, if necessary supplemented by a "Transcript of records" from the foreign university(ies), if the study and examination achievements have not yet been recognised and entered in viaCampus.
    Applications that do not contain a relevant file will not be processed!
    Please note that you can only upload one pdf file with all transcripts or coursework and examinations. The file size must not exceed 10 MB. (Note: You can use a free programme for merging several pdf files, such as
    Please note that you must not yet fulfil the requirements for admission to the final thesis at the time of submitting the application for thesis supervision. You only need to provide evidence of this when you apply separately for admission to the final thesis at the Examination Office (see step 2 below).



  • Fields no. 6 to 9 (desired supervision/priority fields): Indicate here the Professors with whom you would prefer to write your final thesis. If you are not offered a place with one of your preferred Professors, you will be assigned a supervisor by the Chair of the Examination Board.


  • Field no. 10: To submit the application, you must click on „Submit“. By submitting your application, you declare that you fulfil the requirements for admission to the final thesis in the corresponding semester or that you will fulfil them at the latest when you apply separately for admission to the final thesis at the Examination Office (see step 2 below).
  • Field no. 11: The confirmation indicates when you sent your application. If you have successfully submitted the application, you will also receive a confirmation by e-mail. The confirmation email will also contain a link that you can use to change the information in your application by the end of the submission deadline (15 March or 15 September).


After the application deadline (15 March or 15 September), you will be automatically informed by e-mail about the acceptance or rejection of the supervision. Separate enquiries about the status of the procedure are therefore not necessary!

In step 2 (after receiving the confirmation of supervision, see step 1 above), you apply for admission to the final thesis at the Examinations Office (not the Examination Board), usually after consultation with the first supervisor of your thesis. After admission, you register with the first supervisor of your final thesis. The relevant form will be sent by the Examinations Office.

Forms for admission to the bachelor thesis

  • International Business Administration: SSO 2021 | SSO 2017
  • Internationale Betriebswirtschaftslehre: SSO 2021 | SSO 2017
  • Recht und Wirtschaft | Wirtschaft und Recht
    • Study option Recht und Wirtschaft: SSO 2020
    • Study option Wirtschaft und Recht: SSO 2020
  • Wirtschaftsprüfung: SSO 2022

Forms for admission to the masters thesis

  • International Business Administration: SSO 2021

Please note that the General Study and Examination Regulations (ASPO) in conjunction with the corresponding study-specific regulations (SSO) stipulate that the final thesis must be written with a specific first examiner.

Two bound copies and an electronic version of the final thesis must be submitted to the Examinations Office by the deadline. Please send the electronic version to

Guidelines for Dealing with Academic Dishonesty at the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics of the European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder)

How is academic dishonesty defined?

Academic dishonesty occurs when a student completes or attempts to complete an examination by - intentionally or unintentionally - violating the terms and conditions that s/he is expected and appointed to follow.

Examples of academic dishonesty are:

  • having unauthorized items (e.g., cheat sheets, mobile phones esp. smartphones, smartwatches) within reach during an examination,
  • cooperating or exchanging information/answers with another student or a third party on an exam, a project, paper, thesis or class assignment intended to be individually completed,
  • violating the instructions provided during an examination (e.g., time limits),
  • appealing to professors, instructors or exam proctors with the intention of providing unfair ad-vantage to a student,
  • dual submission or resubmission of a paper, project, thesis or class assignment subject to grading and without indication,
  • fabrication or falsification of sources, data or results,
  • taking part in examinations with prior knowledge of their content without indication, and
  • plagiarism.

How is plagiarism defined?

Plagiarism occurs when a student obtains portions or elements of someone else's work, including information, texts, figures, tables etc., and presents them as his/her own work without correctly referring to the original source(s). It includes but is not limited to reusing his/her own priorly submitted work without referring to the original context of use. In other words, it is the incorrect use/indication of sources.

Examples of plagiarism are, if not identified:

  • copying and pasting a text from an online or offline source (e.g., an encyclopedia, website etc.), without correctly referring to the original source(s),
  • simple modification of a text from an online or offline source (e.g., replacing a few words or portions etc.), without correctly referring to the original source(s),
  • using pictures, videos, or records without referring to the original source,
  • using another student's work for his/her own work with or without permission,
  • translations without indicating the source,
  • dual submission or resubmission of own work without permission of both instructors to whom the work has been and is intended to be submitted to (self-plagiarism), and
  • submission of group work as his/her individual work for work intended to be individually completed (considered as plagiarism for all parties involved).

What are the consequences of academic dishonesty?

See § 21 of the ASPO of the European University Viadrina (Note: this is not a certified translation):

If a student attempts to manipulate the result of an examination by academic dishonesty - in-cluding but not limited to cheating, plagiarism, having unauthorized items within reach, unau-thorized group work, violation of examination instructions, appealing to faculty or staff to gain unfair advantage for an examination - then s/he will fail the examination (his/her exam will be evaluated with the grade "5,0" or "0 points").

In severe cases, the responsible examination board can prohibit the students from taking part in further examinations of the degree program, resulting in the students' failure to complete their bachelor's or master's degree.

Intentional plagiarism is generally regarded as a severe case. In this case, the student is aware of the fact that s/he is using somebody else's work as his/her own and s/he is doing it on purpose. In contrast, unintentional plagiarism is oftentimes caused by carelessness, e.g. by incorrect indication of sources. Another example of a severe case is the repetition of a cheating attempt.

For more information please consult Statutes Regarding the Prevention of Scientific Misconduct and the Process in Case of Suspicion of Scientific Misconduct (Satzung zur Vermeidung wissenschaftlichen Fehlverhaltens und zum Verfahren bei Verdacht auf wissenschaftliches Fehlverhalten), announced of November 3, 2021 (the statutes are available in German).

According to Section 17 (10) ASPO, the responsible Examination Board may, at the request of the student and in agreement with the first supervisor, extend the processing time accordingly in justified cases for which the student is not responsible.

In justified cases for which the student is not responsible, the Examination Board may extend the processing time accordingly, whereby the request must be submitted immediately after the reason for which the student is not responsible has occurred.

The application must be submitted using the application form.

General principle

If you fall ill while writing your final thesis (Bachelor's or Master's thesis) and your performance is significantly impaired as a result of the illness, you have the option of applying to the responsible Examination Board for an extension of the processing time for your thesis.


The application for an extension of the processing time for the final thesis must be made immediately in writing using the form provided. Incomplete and incompletely completed applications will not be processed!

Please note that the application must be accompanied by a corresponding (official) medical certificate of incapacity for examination! You can find information on proof of incapacity for the examination in the following section.

Proof of inability to take the examination

The student must obtain information as described in point 3 from the (official) doctor consulted as part of the obligation to cooperate. Without this information, an application to withdraw from the examination will not be accepted for decision.

  1. Students are generally obliged to disclose their complaints in order to determine their inability to take the examination and, if necessary, to release the consulted (official) doctor from his or her duty of medical confidentiality.
  2. The diagnosis does not have to be disclosed.
  3. The physical or psychological effects caused by the illness must be stated. A general certification of inability to take examinations and/or inability to work is insufficient. (Note: Fluctuations in daily form, exam anxiety, exam stress or similar do not constitute a significant impairment of performance in terms of incapacity to take exams).

You can use the sample form to certify your inability to take the examination. The certificate can also be issued informally as long as it contains the following points:

  • Name
  • Symptoms of the illness / type of reduction in performance
  • Duration of the illness

Foreign-language certificates require an official translation.

According to the current decision of the responsible Examination Boards, an official medical certificate does not have to be submitted for up to a three-week extension of the processing time for the final thesis due to incapacity for examination until further notice. In these cases, it is generally sufficient to enclose a certificate of incapacity for examination from your attending physician with the application for an extension of the processing time.

Information on the official medical examination in Frankfurt (Oder) can be found on the website of the Amts- und Vertrauensärztlichen Dienst der Stadt Frankfurt (Oder). Information on the official medical examination in Berlin can be found on the website of the Landesamt für Gesundheit und Soziales (LaGeSo).

If the student is restricted in the preparation of a final thesis, e.g. due to the child's illness and childcare is therefore required, this must also be documented. In this case, the examination board generally considers proof to have been provided if the child's illness is documented by means of a sick note. If necessary, the student must prove that he/she has made every effort to find alternative care, but that this has been unsuccessful.

Standard period of study, compulsory study counselling, compensation for disadvantages, equal opportunities

The degree programme should generally be completed within the standard period of study. The standard period of study is laid down in the respective regulations of the degree programmes of the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics and is six semesters with a total of 180 ECTS credits for degree programmes leading to a Bachelor's degree. For the Faculty's dual Bachelor's programmes, the standard period of study is seven semesters with a total of 210 ECTS credits. For consecutive Master's programmes, the standard period of study is four semesters with a total of 120 ECTS credits.

Participation in the study counselling according to § 6 in conjunction with § 3 paragraph 3 ASPO dated 13.07.2022, as amended, is mandatory for students according to § 21 paragraph 2 sentence 2 and 20 paragraph 3 sentence 1 BbgHG if they have not successfully completed the Bachelor's examination within ten semesters or if they have not successfully passed the Master's examination within eight semesters. This does not apply if they are not responsible for missing an examination deadline.

The student will be invited in writing to a mandatory academic counselling session at the beginning of the semester following the end of the deadline (Bachelor: at the beginning of the eleventh semester; Master: at the beginning of the ninth semester). The compulsory subject counselling is carried out by the chairperson of the relevant examination board. The mandatory subject counselling generally takes the form of a personal one-to-one interview. After receiving the written invitation to the counselling interview, the interview usually takes place within four weeks.

The aim of the mandatory academic counselling is to conclude a study agreement that takes appropriate account of the student's personal situation.

In the event of non-compliance with the concluded study progress agreement for a valid reason, proof of the valid reason must be provided in writing to the chairperson of the relevant Examination Board immediately after it becomes known. In the case of illness as a valid reason, this must be proven with an official medical certificate. The consideration of other valid reasons must be applied for in writing and accompanied by appropriate evidence. The responsible Examination Board decides whether there are valid reasons that justify an adjustment to the study agreement and, if a valid reason is recognised, adjusts it together with the student concerned without delay. If there are no valid reasons, the provisions of § 6 paragraph 7 sentence 1 ASPO of 13 July 2022 in the respective applicable version shall apply.

Fair reasons may be, for example:

  • Disease with incapacity for exercise,
  • Äußer unreasonable influences during the examination,
  • Death of a close relative.

As a rule, the pursuit of a professional activity does not constitute a valid reason!

If the students refuse to conclude a study progress agreement, do not conclude such an agreement within the specified period or have not acquired the ECTS credits required for the successful completion of the degree programme and provided proof of this to the Examination Office even after the expiry of a period specified in the study progress agreement, they will be excluded from the degree programme in accordance with § 14 paragraph 5 sentence 2 no. 2 BbgHG exmatriculated. This does not apply if the student is not responsible for missing the deadline.

In special cases of hardship (e.g. prolonged illness), the responsible Examination Board may, upon written request, grant an exception to the deadlines specified in Section 6 (1) ASPO of 13 July 2022, as amended, and grant a further extension of the deadline. The application must be submitted immediately upon presentation of the reasons, together with appropriate documents to substantiate the request; in the case of illness, by submitting a corresponding certificate of incapacity to take the examination. The responsible Examination Board may also request the submission of a medical certificate from a public health officer. Information on the official medical examination in Frankfurt (Oder) can be found on the website of the Amts- und Vertrauensärztlichen Dienst der Stadt Frankfurt (Oder). Information on the official medical examination in Berlin can be found on the website of the Landesamt für Gesundheit und Soziales (LaGeSo).

Students who take advantage of the statutory protection periods under the Maternity Protection Act or are on parental leave or are caring for children outside the statutory parental leave period and/or close relatives are supported by taking their individual needs into account when completing their studies and examinations. The responsible Examination Board will decide on the specific form of compensation for disadvantages as soon as the special situation has been substantiated. The student is obliged to notify any changes to the requirements without delay.

The specific needs of students with disabilities and chronic illnesses will be taken into account on a case-by-case basis when organising the course of study and providing proof of performance. If the student provides a medical certificate stating that he or she is unable to take the examinations in full or in part in the intended form due to a prolonged or permanent physical disability or chronic illness, the responsible Examination Board may allow the student to take equivalent examinations in a different form. The same applies to other coursework. The responsible Examination Board may also require the submission of a medical certificate from a public health officer. The student is obliged to notify any changes to the requirements without delay.

Please send us the documents to be submitted by post to the address below or drop your documents in person in our letterbox (Main Building, next to room 225).

European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder)
Examination Boards of the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics
Große Scharrnstraße 59
15230 Frankfurt (Oder)

Documents to be submitted

  1. Application form
  1. Supporting documents for the reasons stated in the application,
    e.g. certificate of incapacity for examination

Recognition of study and examination achievements

The following cases can be distinguished for the recognition / crediting of study and examination achievements:

Achievements completed at the European University Viadrina

In principle, the studies and examinations completed as part of courses at the European University Viadrina are assigned to the corresponding modules / compulsory elective module groups (see viaCampus). The study and examination achievements are entered directly into viaCampus by the examiners. The recognition or crediting of a course or examination achievement requires that a graded (in the case of course achievements, the note "passed" is sufficient) and ECTS-credited proof of achievement has been provided.

Achievements acquired at other institutions

All externally acquired study and examination achievements (in Germany and abroad), including key qualifications and language certificates, must be submitted to the relevant examination board for recognition. For the recognition of language certificates, please also refer to the further explanations under "External language certificates" in this section. The form provided below must be used for the recognition of study and examination achievements.

Application forms

Guideline for the recognition of foreign study and examination achievements in the Bachelor's and consecutive Master's programmes of the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics at the European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder)

(in accordance with the applicable study-specific regulations)

The semester abroad takes into account the basic idea of an internationally oriented university as well as internationally oriented study programmes. Students should be given an overview of the content and organisation of their studies at the foreign partner university. To this end, foreign language skills are to be perfected and cultural particularities taught.

Students are responsible for the organisation and implementation of study-related stays abroad. The Viadrina International Affairs Department provides help, advice and support within the scope of its possibilities.

As a rule, partner universities require students to have successfully completed at least three semesters before studying abroad. In the Bachelor­s­degree programmes, the business­economics­science­basic­education­ should therefore have been completed. However, the lack of evidence of individual modules from the business, economics, science and business education does not exclude participation in the study abroad programme.

The study-specific regulations of the International Business Administration (Bachelor), Internationale Betriebswirtschaftslehre (Bachelor) and International Business Administration (Master) degree programmes at the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics of the European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder) stipulate a compulsory stay abroad of at least three months. The study abroad programme is deemed to have been passed if at least 12 creditable ECTS credits are earned and proven during the period of study abroad.

Principles of recognition

  • Recognition of foreign study and examination achievements is the responsibility of the faculty's examination board. Viadrina International Affairs at the European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder) prepares the recognition for the degree programmes.

  • Recognition of study and examination achievements directly with the corresponding professors is without exception not possible!

  • In principle, 30 ECTS credits per semester can be earned at the foreign university during the stay abroad. These credits will be recognised upon application, provided they do not differ significantly.

  • In this context, please note the admission requirements defined by the professors for registering for the final thesis.

  • Study and examination achievements can only be recognised if the student is not on leave of absence during the stay abroad at the European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder).

  • The study period abroad cannot be replaced by an internship abroad.

  • Proof in the module "English (level Council of Europe C1) or second foreign language (level Council of Europe B2)" in the degree programme Internationale Betriebswirtschaftslehre (Bachelor) is deemed to have been provided if modules amounting to at least 18 ECTS credits in the corresponding foreign language are completed and proven during the study period abroad.

  • Proof in the module "Foreign language (level Council of Europe B2)" in the degree programme International Business Administration (Bachelor) is deemed to have been provided if modules amounting to at least 18 ECTS credits in the corresponding foreign language are completed and proven during the study period abroad.

  • Different regulations regarding recognition may apply within the framework of double and multiple degree agreements.


Students should discuss any courses they wish to take at a foreign university with the Viadrina International Affairs department and the relevant examination board in order to clarify the possibility of recognition prior to their stay abroad.

Any changes to the choice of modules during the stay abroad must be discussed.

After the stay abroad, an application for recognition must be submitted to the Viadrina International Affairs Department.

Further information on the procedure (office hours, forms, etc.) ...


  • No other language certificates will be accepted in addition to the tests and certificates listed below.
  • Please use the application form (see below) provided by the relevant examination board to apply for recognition.
  • The original language certificate must be submitted to the relevant examination board. Copies – notarised or not – will not be accepted.
  • Preparation courses are also offered for most of the following language examinations, e.g. by adult education centres, but also by other education providers in Germany and abroad.

English level B2

  • Proof of sufficient knowledge of the English language at level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages must be provided by successfully passing one of the following equivalent tests:

English level C1

German level B2

French level B2

  • Proof of sufficient knowledge of the French language at level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages must be provided by successfully passing one of the following equivalent tests:

Spanish level B2

  • Proof of sufficient knowledge of the Spanish language at level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages must be provided by successfully passing one of the following equivalent tests:
    • DELE: level B2
    • CELU: Nivel intermedio/intermediate

 Application forms

  • International Business Administration (Bachelor): SSO 2021 | SSO 2017
  • International Betriebswirtschaftslehre (Bachelor): SSO 2021 | SSO 2017
  • Recht und Wirtschaft | Wirtschaft und Recht (Bachelor): SSO 2020

Internships and other study-related activities that are to be credited towards the degree programme must be recognised. The Career Center carries out the recognition of internships in the International Business Administration (Bachelor), Internationale Betriebswirtschaftslehre (Bachelor) and Recht und Wirtschaft | Wirtschaft und Recht (Bachelor) degree programmes with the relevant examination board.

A online form must be completed and a copy of the internship/job reference submitted after completion of the internship. Further information can be found in the detailed description of the recognition procedure. The basis for recognition is the applicable internship guideline.

The team at the Career Center will be happy to answer your questions about internships and internship recognition. You can also obtain a certificate there confirming that the internship is part of your degree programme.

Internship guidelines

As numerous key skills are acquired and deepened in the context of long-term voluntary work, participation in associations and, in particular, student initiatives can be recognised as a course achievement in the International Business Administration (Bachelor), Internationale Betriebswirtschaftslehre (Bachelor) and Recht und Wirtschaft | Wirtschaft und Recht (Bachelor) degree programmes in the "Further soft skills" module if the conditions listed in the corresponding guideline are met.

Although recruiters like to see commitment on a CV, relevant internships are often a prerequisite for employment. We therefore strongly recommend completing an internship alongside your voluntary work.

Recognition is granted by the relevant examination board. The form provided must be used for the application. In the attached report, the activities carried out and the respective amount of time must be stated as well as a description of the key competences acquired. Students are advised to keep a logbook. Furthermore, written confirmation from the association's board is required, stating the period of time and the number of hours on the association's official letterhead. Collaboration in student initiatives must also be confirmed by an external mentor (client, contact person for supervisors at the university, umbrella organisation, etc.).

The allocation of ECTS credits and the minimum number of hours are governed by the relevant guidelines.

Guidelines & Forms

BAföG certificates

General information:

The Bundesausbildungsförderungsgesetz (BAföG) is a guarantee that young people and young adults can complete an education that matches their aptitude and inclination, regardless of their family's financial situation. BAföG applications can only be submitted via the relevant education funding office.

The BAföG officer (the chairperson of the Examination Board) is only responsible for the certificates issued by the training centre. For most other BAföG issues, you should contact your responsible BAföG office at the student union.

If you receive a BAföG grant, you must generally submit a transcript of records to the BAföG office at the beginning of the fifth semester, but in some cases proof is also required from the third semester. The certificate in accordance with § 48 BAföG (Formblatt 5) is confirmed by the chairperson of the examination board.

If you are completing an internship abroad or are studying abroad in the meantime, you can also apply to the BAföG office for educational support for training abroad. The statement on the eligibility of the internship/study abroad is issued by the chairperson of the examination board (Formblatt 6).

Minimum requirements for the issue of the BAföG certificate (Formblatt 5) in the Bachelor programme are:

  • End of the 3rd semester: 60 ECTS credits,
  • End of the 4th semester: 90 ECTS credits,
  • End of the 5th semester: 120 ECTS credits,
  • End of the 6th semester: 150 ECTS credits.

Contact persons and procedure:

Please send us the forms to be issued by post or e-mail or drop your documents in person in our letterbox (next to room HG 225). Please note that the processing time for issuing the certificate can take up to three weeks.

Certificates for the BAföG office can be sent by post to the following address.

European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder)
Examination Boards of the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics
Große Scharrnstraße 59
15230 Frankfurt (Oder)

If you wish to have the original documents sent to you after processing, please enclose a stamped and addressed envelope with your documents or send it to us afterwards.

Students of the Bachelor's degree programme Recht und Wirtschaft | Wirtschaft und Recht should contact the BAföG officer of the Faculty of Law.

Please note that certificates that you must submit to the BAföG office by the deadline should be submitted to the examination board at least four weeks before the deadline. Otherwise, we cannot guarantee that your documents will be issued on time!

Valid regulations of the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics

The General Study and Examination Regulations for Bachelor's and Master's Degree Programmes (ASPO) apply in conjunction with the Study-specific Regulations (SSO).

The general regulations for access and admission to degree programmes regulate general admission requirements, including for Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes and the admission procedure for the allocation of study places in admission-restricted degree programmes. The faculty boards issue study-specific admission regulations. The regulations can also be made within the framework of the study-specific regulations for studies and examinations.

International Business Administration

International Betriebswirtschaftslehre

Recht und Wirtschaft | Wirtschaft und Recht


International Business Administration

Examination Boards

The Examination Boards ensure that the provisions of the regulations are complied with. They regularly report to the Faculty on the development of examinations and study periods, make suggestions for reforming the regulations and disclose the distribution of module grades and overall grades. In particular, they decide on the recognition of study and examination achievements as well as admission to examinations and generally set the examination dates.