Faculty Board of the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics

Duties of the Faculty Board

The Faculty Board is responsible for enacting the Faculty's statutes, deciding on the Faculty's structural and development planning, deciding on appointment proposals, deciding on habilitations, participating in the evaluation and coordination of teaching and research in the Faculty and electing and dismissing the Dean, decisions on habilitations, participation in the evaluation and coordination of teaching and research in the faculty and the election and dismissal of the dean and his or her deputy.

The Faculty Board supervises the Dean with regard to the fulfilment of his or her duties. In particular, it reviews the dean's accountability report and decides on the dean's discharge. In order to carry out its supervision, the Faculty Board has a comprehensive right to information from the Dean.

In matters that directly concern the decision on habilitations, the appointment of professors or the appointment of junior professors as university lecturers, the extended Faculty Board decides in a closed meeting. In addition to the elected members of the Faculty Board, all other professors and junior professors of the faculty who have proven themselves are represented on this committee.

Members of the Faculty Board

  • Prof. Dr Fabian Bald
  • Prof. Dr Christina Elschner (Deputy Chairwoman)
  • Prof. Ingo Geishecker, PhD
  • Prof. Dr Drahomir Klimsa
  • Prof. Dr Jochen Koch (Chairman)
  • Prof. Dr Simone Maxand
  • Prof. Dr Felix Weinhardt
  • Prof. Dr Achim Koberstein (1st deputy)
  • Prof. Dr Katja Brunk (2nd deputy)
  • Prof. Dr Matthias Sohn (3rd deputy)
  • Prof. Dr Georg Stadtmann (4th deputy)
  • Prof. Dr Albrecht Söllner (5th deputy)
  • Prof. Dr Christian Almeder (6th deputy)
  • Prof. Dr Sven Husmann (7th deputy)
  • Prof. Dr Jana Costas (8th deputy)

  • Dominika Niewiadomska (authorised to vote)
  • Dr Michael Schreibweis
  • Dr Yanis Hamdali
  • Marco Kühne
  • Lilo Meier (1st deputy)
  • Paul Vetter (2nd deputy)

  • Kerstin Zirkelbach (authorised to vote)
  • Denise Luther
  • Manuela Rossak (1st deputy)

  • Julia Stepanova
  • Edgar Reinhardt Gracía

Meeting dates

Winter 2024/2025

1st meeting on 16.10.2024

2nd meeting on 27.11.2024

3rd meeting on 15.01.2025

Summer 2025

1st meeting on 30.04.2025

2nd meeting on 04.06.2025

3rd meeting on 02.07.2025

Rules of procedure

In accordance with Section 10(10) of the Basic Regulations, the Rules of Procedure of the Senate (in German) apply mutatis mutandis.

Elections to the Faculty Board

You can find information on the election of university committees at the Viadrina on the overview page on the elections.


Prof. Dr. Jochen Koch

Chairman of the Faculty Board

Please address enquiries and applications in connection with the Faculty Board to the Faculty General Manager, Frank Rudovsky.