Course offers

Course schedules

The course schedules for the degree programmes are provided via viaCampus.

Please note that the semester at the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics is divided into two blocks. The courses offered by the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics are usually offered within a block. The examinations take place at the end of each block. You can find the overview of semester times at the Viadrina here

Interdisciplinary study programmes: In principle, all courses offered by the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics are open to all students of the European University Viadrina as well as pupils. The crediting of courses in their degree programme is governed by the provisions of their degree programme.

Registration in Moodle is required for all courses offered by the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics.

Further offers

Viadrina Compass

Viadrina Compass is a collection of free study-related offers (especially in the area of practical and key qualifications), which are available to all students of the European University Viadrina in addition to the study programme.

Evaluation of teaching

The evaluation of teaching at the European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder) is carried out in accordance with the statutes on internal quality assurance in teaching and learning. The evaluation is carried out by the Evaluation Officer of the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics.

The Faculty of Business Administration and Economics conducts the evaluation of its currently offered modules online. The anonymised survey takes place regularly in the penultimate week of lectures of the respective block. You will be informed about this in your Moodle profile. In addition, you will also receive a notice on your Viadrina e-mail account.

In order to participate in the online-based evaluation of the modules you have attended, it is essential that you register in Moodle for the courses you have taken at least one week before the respective evaluation period, if you have not already done so.
You should also deregister from courses that you have registered for but have not attended.

You can play an active role by participating in the course evaluation. We would therefore be very pleased if you would take the opportunity to send us your experiences in the respective course using the questionnaire provided.