Doctoral training

Overview of the doctoral programme

Overview of the doctoral seminars


All doctoral students in the chair present the progress of their research project in a lecture at regular intervals. The theses, methodology and problem areas of the work are then discussed in detail. The seminar serves in particular to critically assess the status of the student's own work as well as to provide the opportunity to look at the problems from other perspectives in the discussion and, in addition, to receive stimulation to deal with further problem areas and methods.
Note: Regular participation in the doctoral seminars is a prerequisite for obtaining one of the certificates required to open the doctoral procedure. The second certificate is acquired through the publication of an academic paper (essay, book contribution or similar).
Note: The doctoral seminar takes place together with Prof. Dr Adrian Cloer (Chair of Business Taxation and International Tax Law, EBS University of Law and Business | Business and Law, Wiesbaden), Dr habil. Dr Marcin Jamrozy (SGH, Warsaw) and the doctoral students they supervise.

The seminar is held every six months as a block seminar at different venues after consultation with the doctoral students. As a rule, the seminar takes place every summer semester in May and every winter semester in November.

Chair contact

Professor of Business Taxation and Accounting

Office hours

Mon - Wed: 8:00 to 11:30 and 12:00 to 13:00 and by appointment.