
Research topics

PEWOMA (People, Work, Organisations and Management)

We deal with people, work, organisations and their management. The meanings and experiences of work and organisation play a central role in our research. We are also interested in the shaping of working environments and organisations through leadership and the influence of social, cultural, technological and economic trends such as digitalisation, flexibilisation, increasing mobility and the demands for social responsibility from organisations. Our conceptual starting point is an interdisciplinary view that draws on the theoretical range of organisational and management research, sociology, philosophy, social anthropology and psychoanalysis. We work with the methods of qualitative social research. We are particularly interested in ethnographic approaches in order to capture the complexity and diverse shades of organisational life and the world of work.

- Digital platforms, algorithmic control and gig work
- Remuneration in music streaming
- Public affairs of technology companies

New forms of work and organisation
- New management approaches
- New working time approaches
- Organisationality of co-working spaces
- Alternative organisations

Work, stigma and coercion
- Status and dignity in stigmatised professions
- Violence and organisation
- Institutional harassment

- Secrecy in organisations
- Interplay between transparency and secrecy

Prof Dr Jana Costas

Secretariat: Anette Hübner

Office hours

Monday and Wednesday 9am-12pm or by appointment.

Room: HG 031