

The research work of Prof. Dr. Albrecht Söllner's chair at the European University Viadrina covers a broad spectrum in the field of international management, from evolution in energy production and distribution and resource mobilisation in start-ups to organisational adaptations to discontinuities and the importance of institutional distance for European integration. These works are characterised by their innovative approach and their contribution to the current discussion in international management research.

Publications 2009 - today

  • Söllner, A., Haverland, T. (2020): From Centralised Energy Generation and Distribution to Clean Energy Communities: Exploring New Modes of Governance for the Energy Sector, Journal of Service Management Research, Volume 4 (2-3), 145-156.

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  • Adegbile, A., Wagner, H.-T., Söllner, A. (2020): Resource Mobilisation in Entrepreneurial Ventures (1987-2019): An Integrative Review and Opportunities for Future Research. International Review of Entrepreneurship, Vol. 18 (2020) Issue 1, p99-131

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  • Stanske, Sarah; Söllner, Albrecht; Vodosek Markus(2018): Innovating in Incumbent Firms: On Organisational Identities in the Age of Discontinuity, accepted for the 2018 SMS Annual Conference, Paris 2018

  • Stanske, Sarah; Söllner, Albrecht; Vodosek Markus(2018): Born out of boredom: The journey of a discontinous idea in an incumbent organisation, accepted for the 34th EGOS Annual Conference Surprise in and around Organisations: Journeys to the Unexpected in Tallinn, Estonia 2018.

  • Adegbile, A., Wagner, H.-T., Söllner, A. (2018): Resource Mobilisation in International New Ventures: A Thematic Analysis, Review and Research Agenda; accepted for the 1st ISME Workshop Conference Internationalisation of SMEs - New Insights and Future Research Opportunities, Bolzano 2018

  • Söllner, Albrecht, Weikum, Lena, Wiafe, Lukas(2018): Conceptualising Institutional Enforcement Capability: The Enforcement Embeddedness Index (EEI), accepted for the 2018 WINIR Annual Conference, Hong Kong 2018

  • Söllner, A. (2014): Globalisation, greed, and exploitation. How to break the baleful path?, Journal of Business Economics 84, 1211-1235

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  • Botts, Moritz/ Söllner, Albrecht (2014): Rethinking Europe: the role of institutional distance in understanding European integration, World Interdisciplinary Network for Institutional Research Conference, September 2014, London, UK

  • Wiafe, Lukas/ Söllner, Albrecht (2014): Institutions matter: a discursive perspective on inclusion. World Interdisciplinary Network for Institutional Research Conference, September 2014, London, UK.

  • Mirkovic, Sabine/ Söllner, Albrecht (2010): The new virtue of companies and the dangers of false promises, in dangers of false promises, in: Schmidt, S.J., Tropp, J. (eds.), Die Moral in der Unternehmenskommunikation: Lohnt Corporate communication: Is it worth being good?, Cologne 2009, pp. 85-100

  • Siedentopp, Jan/ Söllner, Albrecht (2010): Path Dependence through Corporate Political Activity, in:Sydow, J., Schreyögg, G. (eds.), Hidden Dynamics of Path Dependence. Institutions and Organisations, London: Palgrave Macmillan 2010, pp. 71-93

  • Söllner, Albrecht (2010): Responsible Management and the Principles of Responsible Management Education (PRME), in: B.S. Byrd, J. Hruschka; J.C. Joerden, Jahrbuch für Recht und Ethik / Annual Review of Law and Economics, vol. 18, 2010, pp. 419-429

  • Haase, Michaela/ Roedenbeck Marc/ Söllner, Albrecht (2009): A sketch of a mechanism-based explanation of cognitive path processes, lock-in of individual mental models and institutional rigidity, in: Scherer, A.G., Kaufmann, I.M., Patzer, M. (eds.), Methoden in der Business Administration, Wiesbaden 2009, pp. 21-46

Secretariat Marion Elsner

Chair of International Management

Office hours

Monday to Wednesday: 9 am to 11 am and 1.30 pm to 3 pm