Elisa Elisa Lehrer, M. Sc.
Elisa Lehrer
Faculty of Business Administration and Economics
Chair of Management & OrganisationScientific Staff Member
Elisa is a Research Associate at the Chair of Management and Organization.
Her current research interests are at the intersection of (multimodal) communication, strategy and sociomateriality. Furthermore, she has a general interest in serial entrepreneurship and qualitative (multimodal) video analysis.
Please send an e-mail in advance stating the issue you would like to discuss.
Lehrer, E. (2022). MULTI- WHAT?! Opening Up the Black Box of Multimodality in Strategy Research. Annual Meeting of Organizational Research 2022 (AMOR), October, Lüneburg.
Lehrer, E, Skade, L, Hamdali, Y, Koch, J. (2022). Communication of Crisis or Crisis of Communication? The Degeneration of Communicative Culture. 82ns Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, August, Seattle.
Lehrer E. (2022). Short paper: A double-edged sword: Body language and speech in entrepreneurial pitch performances. 38th European Group for Organization Studies (EGOS) Colloquium, July, Vienna.
Lehrer, E, Skade, L, Hamdali, Y, Koch, J. (2022). Communication of Crisis or Crisis of Communication? The Degeneration of Communicative Culture. 13th International Symposium on Process Organization Studies (PROS), June, Rhodos.
Lehrer, E, Skade, L, Hamdali, Y, Koch, J. (2022). Communication of Crisis or Crisis of Communication? The Communicative Co-construction of the Covid-19 Pandemic. Jubiläumstagung des Verbands der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft (VHB), March, Virtual.
Lehrer, E. (2021). Communication of Crisis or Crisis of Communication? The Communicative Co-constrcution of the Covid-19 Pandemic. Annual Meeting of Organizational Research 2021 (AMOR), September, Kassel.
Lehrer, E, Skade, L, Hamdali, Y, Koch, J. (2021). The Processual Co-Construction of Crisis: A Communicative Perspective. 12th International Symposium on Process Organization Studies (PROS), September, Virtual
Lehrer, E, Skade, L, Hamdali, Y, Koch, J. (2021). Communication of Crisis or Crisis of Communication? The Communicative Co-constrcution of the Covid-19 Pandemic. Strategic Management Society 41st Annual Conference, September, Virtual.
(STRATEGY PRACTICE BEST PHD PAPER; Nominated for Best Conference Paper Prize)
Skade, L, Lehrer, E, Hamdali, Y, Koch, J. (2021). The Temporal Unfolding of Crises: (A)synchronizing Rhythms and the Constitution of Urgency. 36th European Group for Organization Studies (EGOS) Colloquium, June, Virtual.
Skade, L, Lehrer, E, Hamdali, Y, Koch, J. (2021). The Temporal Unfolding of Crises: Synchronizing Rhythms and the Constitution of Urgency. VHB WK ORG Paper Development Workshop, April, Virtual.
Lehrer, E. (2021). A Double-Edged Sword: Body Language and Speech in Entrepreneurial Pitch Performances. 6th Annual Entrepreneurship as Practice, April, Virtual.
Lehrer, E. (2020). Organizations & strategic communication – a multimodal perspective. Annual Meeting of Organizational Research 2020 (AMOR), September, Virtual.
Consortia Participation
2022 SAP Doctoral & Early Career Program. 82nd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Seattle.
2022 Warwick Summer School on Practice and Process Studies: Studying Emotion or Affect?, Coventry.
2022 17. Berliner Methodentreffen Qualitative Forschung, Berlin.
2021 Beginner’s Introduction to Practice and Process Theory. Warwick Business School. Virtual.
2021 ‘Gestures: How to Analyze Forms, Meaning and Functions´. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam Graduate Winter School. Virtual.
2020 SAP Doctoral & Early Career Program. Virtual.
Academic Positions
Since 2020 Research Associate at the Chair of Management and Organization
2019 - 2020 Research Assistant (Wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft) at the Chair of Management and Organization
Academic Education
Since 2020 Ph.D. studies in "Management and Organization"
European University Viadrina, Frankfurt (Oder), Germany
2020 M.Sc. in "International Business Administration"
European University Viadrina, Frankfurt (Oder), Germany
2018 B.Sc. in „Internationale Betriebswirtschaftslehre“
European University Viadrina, Frankfurt (Oder), Germany
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