Chair of Supply Chain Management

Chair of Supply Chain Management

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Chair of Supply Chain Management

Faculty of Business Administration and Economics

Office hours

Appointment by E-Mail


Planning is bringing the future into the present so that you can do something about it now.

Alan Lakein


Winter term

... will start in october - within the Courses section you can discover a comprehensive list of available classes.

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Application and Supervision of the Thesis

Do not forget to submit your application by September 15th to the examination board!

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Welcome to the Chair of Supply Chain Management 


Head of Chair:

Prof. Dr. Christian Almeder


Vanessa Kätel 
Denise Luther

Research Assistiant: 

Daryna Dziuba
Patricia Zech

Lehrstuhlteam von Prof. Almeder

Research and Teaching


Our research activities focus on the development of advanced planning models for various areas of production, logistics, and supply chain management. We address tactical and operational planning problems using quantitative approaches, operations research methods, and machine learning. The current trend towards vertically and horizontally integrated planning approaches (i.e. the integration of several planning levels as well as the integration of different planning tasks) requires the development of efficient and robust solution methods.

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Developments are extremely fast. Just think of the short time from the introduction of the first smart phone (IBM Simon Personal Computer in 1994) to today's world where most of our lives would be unthinkable without such a device. In addition to teaching the current state-of-the-art management tools, our mission is to enhance students' problem-solving skills and prepare them to deal with future, as yet unknown, management problems in manufacturing and logistics.

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