
Publication overview

Selected publications


  • Titel der Monographie im Minusbereich

    Jana Costas

    In the minus zone:
    Cleansing forces and their fight for dignity

    Suhrkamp Verlag, 2023

    Translated from the English by Richard Barth, Stephan Gebauer and Michael Müller

  • Titel der Monographie Dramas of Dignity

    Jana Costas

    Dramas of Dignity:
    Cleaners in the Corporate Underworld of Berlin

    Cambridge University Press, 2022

    Winner of the European Group for Organisation Studies Book Award 2023
    Distinguished Winner of 2024 Award for Responsible Research in Management

  • Titel Buchcover Secrecy of Work

    Jana Costas / Christopher Grey

    Secrecy at Work:
    The Hidden Architecture of Organisational Life

    Stanford University Press, 2016

Prof Dr Jana Costas

Secretariat: Anette Hübner

Office hours

Monday and Wednesday 9am-12pm or by appointment.

Room: HG 031