Bachelor's and masters theses at the Chair of Finance

Final theses

Experience-based recommendations for final theses

  • Timeframe: Most students want to have completed their final thesis - whether it is for career entry or, in the case of dissertations, for applying for a place on a Master's programme - by a certain date. When planning your time, please bear in mind that you need to allow about a month for the preliminary work, such as finding a topic and registering with the examination office. You also usually have one and a half months after submitting your final thesis for the review process. In the case of masters theses, a colloquium must also be completed, which takes place after the assessment has been completed in accordance with the study and examination regulations. Please take these circumstances into account in your time planning.
  • Prerequisites:
    (1) There are no specific prerequisites for writing a final thesis at the chair.
    (2) However, we strongly recommend that students attend modules offered by the chair or take equivalent modules abroad in order to have a certain professional foundation in the field of modern finance, the chair's field of work.
    (3) In particular, we recommend that you attend a seminar prior to writing your final thesis and prepare a written seminar paper so that the final thesis is not your first work. The advantage of attending a seminar is that you will gain valuable experience in structuring and writing a topic on the one hand, and on the other hand you will learn about any problems with writing a longer paper under time pressure during the course of your studies and not just during your final thesis.

  • Note the procedure for requesting supervision for writing a final thesis on the examination board's homepage.

Prof Dr Karl L. Keiber

Professor of Business Administration, in particular Finance